Farah Khan Ali: “This is not the India I grew up in”

When Farah Khan Ali read Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli’s rant against a particular community that suggested genocide she couldn’t take it any longer

Farah Khan Ali
Farah Khan Ali

Subhash K Jha

The credit for getting Kangana Ranaut’s venom-spewing sister off Twitter goes to an upright clear-thinking woman Farah Khan Ali who is the daughter of yesteryears’ star Sanjay Khan and an entrepreneur of substance in her own right.

When Farah read Kangana’s sister Rangoli’s rant against a particular community that suggested genocide she couldn’t take it any longer.

“I’ve nothing personally against her. I reported her tweets because they went against every norm of a decent society. Such hate-spewing at a time when civilization struggles to survive is scary. This is not the India that I know, the India I grew up in. Bigotry, radicalism religious prejudice in any community is equally toxic. You may have ideological differences with a particular community. But that doesn’t mean you single out the entirely community for hatred and say they should be lined up and shot dead, because of the behaviour of a handful of idiotic rabid extremists in that community.I say, pity these ignorant elements don’t hate them.”

Farah insists she has nothing personally against Kangana or her sister. “I know them from the past. I met Rangoli with Kangana and she came across as a nice person.I don’t know what happened.

Farah Khan Ali: “This is not the India I grew up in”

Now when I reported them and so did Kubra Sait and Reema Kagti who are ladies I admire, Rangoli tweeted nasty things about my family. I had no reaction to that. In today’s day and age anyone can say anything.I don’t care what she says about my family.I look for positivity in everyone. I like to see the good side of every person and do my best to bring it out. When I see such behaviour I wonder, what happened?”

Farah feels it it is time for the country to rise above petty politics. “I am worried about my country. The political parties may not agree with one another. They may argue about why the lockdown happened so late, or why it happened at all. But the fact is, it happened for the best. We Indians need to rise above our prejudices to become one. If not now, then when??? This whole ire, why? You know if someone is to be reported for spreading hatred on Twitter you need to report five tweets to prove your point.The fact that I found those five tweets so easily just shows how much hatred is out there.We live in a country where some people are educated by religious elements . They should be treated with pity. I wish I could live in a world where people would only have love for one another. Sadly the chasm between the haves and the have- nots is increasing in our country. I fear hunger may overtake all other considerations.”

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