Business lessons from the pandemic!

Coronavirus pandemic taught each individual and organisation the way to move ahead with all the precautions, each of the teammates in companies has learned it to move ahead safely

Representative Image (Photo Courtesy: Social Media)
Representative Image (Photo Courtesy: Social Media)

NH Web Desk

Coronavirus pandemic taught each individual and organization the way to move ahead with all the precautions. No brand is an exception. Each of the teammates in companies has learned it on an individual level as well as on a group level to move ahead safely.

Every brand has been taking all the preventive measures strictly ever since the unlock period was announced. Basic things like masks, sanitizer and gloves have become the essentials at KGK. The group is working aggressively towards aiding the workforce with all the guidelines issued by the Health Ministries. Disinfection in office spaces has also become an absolute mandate to provide a safe working environment for the employees. Usually, there is a general tendency of ignorance towards small objects but KGK ensures that even the doorknobs, handles, and ladles, etc. are also treated with disinfectants to offer a germ-free and care-free space.

Additionally, the focus is to create a culture of a safe and healthy environment for years to come from now. As a result, the organization saw a new light with the implementation of the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Manual. This detailed manual has garnered enough strength to prioritize safety and health in the workplace that resulted in significantly improved occupational health and safety.

The announcement of lockdown in March last year, was a huge setback initially, for everyone to be struck at one place without knowing its time duration. However, everyone got used to it in a few weeks and the concept of ‘Work from Home’ got normalized. While for many industry verticals, this is a usual practice but not for all, it brings along potent challenges. However, the employees at the organisation first aimed to inspire and nurture the human spirit to develop competencies that could help the brand to deliver uninterrupted customer service.

The pandemic has given several lessons to every entrepreneur across all sectors. It enabled brands to revisit and re-plan their proficiency in dealing with a series of changes. A robust plan towards workforce retention, factory running cost, maintenance, and allocation of funds judiciously is the prerequisite to restoring the operations.

These times have clearly shown everyone, including KGK that the future is going to be digital as the brand is witnessing a digital revolution. So, businesses need to adopt this paradigm shift to sustain in the market without getting obsolete.

KGK is aware of the fact that social distancing is one of the most common and effective precautionary measures for tackling the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, the brand didn’t show any carelessness towards following the suggested norms. KGK has taken steps such as the modification or a little adjustment of seats, furniture, and workstations to maintain social distancing of six feet between the employees, wherever possible. KGK has also installed transparent shields and other physical barriers to separate employees and visitors where social distancing is not an option.

Usage of signs, tape marks, and other visual cues such as decals or colored tape on the floor, placed 6 feet apart, to show where to stand when physical barriers are not possible.

Everyone started giving importance to their health and lifestyle during the lockdown period. Inclusion of an immunity booster in the diet and light exercise became a common practice in 2020.

KGK is back on its way to reach higher goals in terms of health, wealth, and business.

(Inputs by Navrattan Kothari, Patriarch KGK Group)

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