SAD threatens to “break alliance” with BJP over govt’s interference in Patna Sahib, Hazoor Sahib

SAD spokesperson Manjinder Singh Sirsa said that Sikhs the world over were furious with the BJP over the Modi govt’s interference in managing the gurudwaras


NH Web Desk

The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), one of the older National Democratic Alliance (NDA) allies, has threatened to part ways with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) should it not stop interfering in the management of gurudwaras across the country.

In a stern message to the BJP, SAD spokesperson and Delhi MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa accused the Centre of trying to usurp the power from the Sikh community as far as management of gurudwaras is concerned. “They first tried interfering in Patna Sahib. It was only due to intervention by party president Sukhbir Singh Badal that they went back on the proposed changes,” Sirsa said in a video message posted on Twitter on Wednesday.

Sirsa, also the general secretary of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, complained in his message that the BJP government in Maharashtra had arbitrarily made amendments to a 1956 law in order to retain authority in appointing the president of the management committee involved in handling affairs of Takht Hazoor Sahib in Nanded.

Both Hazoor Sahib in Nanded and Patna Sahib in Bihar are among five gurudwaras which are of special significance to the Sikh community.

“There is a feeling among minorities that the government is increasingly interfering in the functioning of religious institutions,” said Sirsa, adding that there was a growing resentment among the Sikhs world over at the growing interference of the BJP in gurudwaras.

“There is a clear pact that was signed between Master Tara Singh (a founding leader of SGPC) and Jawaharlal Nehru that the government won’t interfere in the functioning of religious institutions,” he noted.

“We will break the alliance if the government doesn’t stop interfering in the functioning of (our) religious institutions,” the SAD leader warned.

“There is strong insecurity among minorities esply Sikhs resulting in resentment all across India & world bcos of incessant interference by Central Gov in Gurdwaras, be it Patna Sahib or Hazoor Sahib I urge @AmitShah Ji to address this issue before it creates rift btw BJP & SAD (sic),” he had also tweeted late on Tuesday evening.

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