Sonu Sood: “I will continue my work among people in spite of the raid”

"There were 53k emails and 8L messages (after I re-surfaced online). Not one of them said, ‘Serves you right’. They were all hugely concerned for me. I think I’ve come out stronger" says Sood

Sonu Sood
Sonu Sood

Subhash K Jha

When I asked how he was doing after the income-tax raids, Sonu Sood replied, “Zabardast, ekdum on top of the world. The raids continued for four days. Now it’s over. At least, for now. I have absolutely nothing to hide. Most important of all, my well-wishers and supporters are with me. After I re-surfaced on the internet and phone after four days, there were 53,000 emails and 800,000 messages. Not one of them said, ‘Serves you right’. They were all hugely concerned for my wellbeing. In fact I think I’ve come out stronger than before, and determined to continue doing all that I can for those who need my help.”

But, I asked, it must have been traumatic for Sonu and his family? “Chalta hai, sir. It’s all part of the system. They were doing their job, as I was doing mine. Eventually we all have our karma to be answerable to. If I’ve done wrong, I will be punished.”

I suggested a brief holiday before Sonu returns to his philanthropic work.

The actor-activist denies himself the break. “Where is the breathing space, let alone a break, sir? In the four days that I was unavailable hundreds of urgent requests have piled up. I have to attend to them immediately. My work has to continue. Main rahun na rahun maine jo kaam shuroo kiya woh chalta rahe. It is important for the work among the needy that I started to continue even when I’m not there.”

The love of the common people for their saviour seem to have grown after the setback.

Says Sonu Sood emotionally, “Even as I speak to you there are hundreds of people outside my home waiting to see me. They want to be reassured that I am all right. Many of them are crying. So now you know why I said I was feeling on top of the world when you asked me if I was all right.”

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