Uttar Pradesh: Woman burnt alive in temple after gang-rape

At a time when PM Modi is visiting Uttar Pradesh, another ghastly crime has been reported in the state-- a woman was allegedly gang-raped and burnt in Sambhal

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NH Web Desk

A woman was allegedly burnt alive after she tried to resist rape by five men in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh. According to news reports, the victim was with her 6-year-old daughter when the accused allegedly entered the house and took her forcefully to a hut nearby and raped her late on Friday. Later they set her on fire in the yagyashala of a temple near her house.

The incident took place in Pathakpur village of Sambhal district which is in the jurisdiction of the Rajpura Police Station. The Times of India quoted Station House Officer Arun Kumar as saying that an FIR against the five accused have been registered under IPC section 376D (gang rape), 302(murder), 201(causing disappearing of evidence of offence, 147 (punishment for rioting) among other sections.

The victim’s family members allege that the accused used to harass her. when on Friday, she protested, an argument ensued. Later at night, the accused allegedly barged into the house and kidnapped her.

According to the victim’s husband, the 35-year-old woman dialled 100 for police help minutes before she was set on fire. But her call went unanswered, the Times of India reported. The victim’s husband works as a labourer in Ghaziabad.

However, the superintendent of police of Sambhal, RM Bharadwaj, dismissed the reports of a gang rape. News agency ANI quoted him as saying that there were a few villagers behind this crime and they have been identified. Soon, an action will be taken against them.

The Times of India reported that the five accused have been identified as Aram Singh, Mahaveer, Charan Singh, Gullu and Kumarpal of the same village. The additional director general of police Prem Prakash said the police have secured some crucial evidence against th accused and they are very close to arresting them, Time of India reported.

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