Kerala Congress serves notice to discuss recall of Governor

Tiff between Kerala Governor and Kerala legislature took turn for the worse when the Congress-led oppn gave notice to Speaker for moving resolution to be sent to President of India to remove governor

Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan
Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan


The tiff between the Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and the Kerala legislature took a turn for the worse on Saturday, when the Congress-led opposition gave a notice to the Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan for moving a resolution to be sent to President of India to remove Arif Mohammed Khan from the post of governor.

Khan was quick to respond and welcomed the move.

Speaking to the media here, Leader of opposition Ramesh Chennithala said that he has written to the Speaker under the rules of the Legislature under Section 284(5) to move a substantive motion to see that a resolution is passed by the legislature and send it to the President of India to withdraw Khan from the post of governor.

The new session of the Kerala Assembly is slated to begin on Wednesday.

"Varkala Radhakrishnan, the then Speaker of the assembly, (veteran CPI-M leader, E.K. Nayanar was the chief minister), on February 2, 1989 had given a ruling that through a substantive motion, this can be done. The reason why we are moving this against the present governor is he has deplored the assembly, when a resolution against the Citizenship Amendment Act was passed. Governor is very much part of the Assembly, but he has condemned what we did. This is a clear disrespect to the assembly and hence we are bringing in the substantive motion," said Chennithala.

Chennithala added that this is the first time in the history of the Assembly, that such a motion is being moved.

"What Khan should have done was to have expressed his displeasure against the CAA resolution in writing to the Speaker, instead he has gone public. The previous governor P. Sathasivam, who was a former chief justice of India during his tenure never ever met the media, but for Khan, it has become a habit for him to air everything in public. This does not befit the post that he holds and Sathasivam even expressed surprise in what was happening," added Chennithala.

Responding to the news of the opposition, Khan told the media in the state capital that he welcomes the move.

"From what I have heard from you, I welcome the move and let them approach the President, who appointed me," said Khan.

"I work according to the Constitution. I have a right to advice, warn and encourage the government. I don't know of others, but I am one who has read the Constitution and do only as per the Constitution," said Khan.

In response to a question on the media reports that he has sent back the Governor's address which was given to him by the Pinarayi Vijayan government, that he will have to read it out on Wednesday in the Assembly, Khan said that he will not discuss such things in the media.

According to reports the Governor's address has two paragraphs about the CAA and the resolution that was passed by the assembly demanding the withdrawal of the CAA and Khan has expressed his displeasure about it.

About the view of his predecessor Sathasivam, Khan said that everyone is entailed to their view.

Now all eyes are on Wednesday, when Khan arrives to deliver his address.

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