Maharashtra: Farmers to begin three-day march from Vidarbha to Ahmednagar

Under the flagship of All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), farmers will begin another state-wide march from Akola in Vidarbha to Loni in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra on April 26

Maharashtra farmer's long march from Nashik to Mumbai in March, 2023. (Source: Getty Images)
Maharashtra farmer's long march from Nashik to Mumbai in March, 2023. (Source: Getty Images)

Santoshee Gulabkali Mishra

The All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) is set to lead another three-day state-wide march in Maharashtra, with of thousands of farmers marching from Akola in Vidarbha to Loni in Ahmednagar district from April 26 to April 28, 2023.

The march will terminate at the Loni office of Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, the Revenue and Dairy Development Minister of Maharashtra.

Farmer march route
Farmer march route

"Farmers to March Again! The All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has taken the lead to organise a three day statewide march of thousands of peasants from Akole to Loni in Ahmednagar district on 26-27-28 April 2023," tweeted the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Wednesday, announcing the march.

Ashok Dhawale, National President of the AIKS said that during the pandemic dairy farmers were forced to sell milk for just Rs 17 per litre. Now that they are able to make some profit, the BJP-led Centre has begun to import milk and dairy products.

The AIKS claims that in the past two years, excessive and unseasonal rains destroyed crops in large parts of the state. The state government proclaimed that farmers would be compensated, however, they are yet to receive any such compensation.

The farmers wing of the CPI(M) also asserts that the ruling government assured on several occasions to vest forest land, temple land, inaam land, waqf land, pasture land and land for housing to peasants and agricultural workers, many of whom are actually tilling that land for several generations.

However, instead of vesting land in their names, the police and forest department attacked the peasants and drove them out of their lands, which are forcibly acquired for the construction of highways, corridors, ports and airports, with very little compensation.

Dhawale said: "We have demanded vesting of the lands mentioned in the names of the peasants and agricultural workers. A proper compensation for essential land acquisition should be given, including remunerative prices for milk, cotton, soyabeans, tur, gram and other produce. We also oppose the import of milk and dairy products."

Farmers march poster
Farmers march poster

Dr Ajit Navale, State General Secretary (Maharashtra) told the media that due to political instability the problems of the farmers are ignored. The farmers, workers and agricultural labourers are facing the heat of natural calamities, corruption and "immoral politics" in the state. Hence, they have decided to intensify the agitation by embarking on another march with the hopes that the state government will pay heed to their demands this time.

Dr Navale said, "This has happened as most of the ruling party leaders of the BJP are busy offering various kinds of bribes or showing the fear of jail to break political parties. It has again become imperative to come on to the streets to solve peoples' fundamental problems. If the demands are not fulfilled, we may go for an indefinite Mahapadav at Loni in Ahmednagar.”

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