Meta "super greedy" at claiming credit for ad campaigns: Elon Musk

Musk's comments came after a follower pointed out that while running campaigns on both Musk's platform and Meta, most conversions were attributed to Meta, with X reporting almost no conversions

There is a major class action lawsuit against Meta for their false claims, says Elon Musk (photo: IANS)
There is a major class action lawsuit against Meta for their false claims, says Elon Musk (photo: IANS)


Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Sunday, 12 May said that Mark Zuckerberg-run Meta is "super greedy" at taking credit for advertisers who run campaigns on its platform.

A Musk follower raised this issue in a post, saying several of his advertisers noticed that while running campaigns on both X and Meta, nearly all conversions are attributed to Meta, "with X reporting almost no conversions."

“Interestingly, when X ads are turned off, total conversions significantly drop, including those reported on Meta. No research is needed to understand what's going on here,” the follower commented.

The X owner replied that "we are terrible at claiming credit, and Meta is super greedy at claiming credit.”

Another Musk follower posted that eventually, “Meta will need to revise their attribution model, revealing the truth to advertisers who are already noticing a decline in results.”

“For X, refining the attribution model to align more closely with reality is relatively straightforward. This will show even better outcomes for advertisers,” the X user suggested.

The rivalry between Musk and Zuckerberg is well known.

They were apparently set for a “cage fight’ some time back -- dubbed as the fight of the century.

However, the much-anticipated showdown between the duo was cancelled.

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