Results For "UN Special Rapporteur "

Alarming erosion of fundamental rights, particularly of minorities, in India: UN Special Rapporteur


Alarming erosion of fundamental rights, particularly of minorities, in India: UN Special Rapporteur

New Indian IT Rules do not conform with international norms: UN Special Rapporteurs


New Indian IT Rules do not conform with international norms: UN Special Rapporteurs

Did Nehru Centre pull out of Khushwant Singh Lit Fest due to ‘Delhi pressure’?


Did Nehru Centre pull out of Khushwant Singh Lit Fest due to ‘Delhi pressure’?

UN rapporteur distressed at the progress of Swachh Bharat


UN rapporteur distressed at the progress of Swachh Bharat

UNHRC recommendations stonewalled by India


UNHRC recommendations stonewalled by India