Results For "cardiovascular disease "

Indian-origin researcher unravels link between depression and heart disease


Indian-origin researcher unravels link between depression and heart disease

Rush-hour traffic pollution can spike your BP, up heart risk up to 24 hrs


Rush-hour traffic pollution can spike your BP, up heart risk up to 24 hrs

American Heart Association says kidney disease is a heart risk factor


American Heart Association says kidney disease is a heart risk factor

Eating more refined grains increase CVD, death risk: Study


Eating more refined grains increase CVD, death risk: Study

Mid-life CVD prevention may protect against later dementia


Mid-life CVD prevention may protect against later dementia

Lowering BP may reduce CVD risk in people exposed to air pollution


Lowering BP may reduce CVD risk in people exposed to air pollution

How treatment of cardiovascular disease has evolved


How treatment of cardiovascular disease has evolved

Green Mediterranean diet better for heart health: Study


Green Mediterranean diet better for heart health: Study

COVID phobia disrupts medical checkup of heart patients: Experts  


COVID phobia disrupts medical checkup of heart patients: Experts  

COVID-19 patients with heart problems more likely to die: Study


COVID-19 patients with heart problems more likely to die: Study