Results For "forest land "

Over 3 lakh hectares of forest land diverted under Forest Conservation Act in 15 years: Govt


Over 3 lakh hectares of forest land diverted under Forest Conservation Act in 15 years: Govt

A government too keen to 'monetise' cantonment and forest lands


A government too keen to 'monetise' cantonment and forest lands

Assam govt to clear 21k bigha of encroachment in Orang National Park


Assam govt to clear 21k bigha of encroachment in Orang National Park

Permitting farmhouses in green zones will destroy Goa's wealth: TMC


Permitting farmhouses in green zones will destroy Goa's wealth: TMC

Sharavathi project: Fresh bid to get land ownership rights for displaced families


Sharavathi project: Fresh bid to get land ownership rights for displaced families

Illegal timber smuggling or snatching tribal lands: Assam-Meghalaya border killings raise worrisome questions


Illegal timber smuggling or snatching tribal lands: Assam-Meghalaya border killings raise worrisome questions

COVID- 19: A direct consequence of disruption to the natural faunal assemblage


COVID- 19: A direct consequence of disruption to the natural faunal assemblage

Helpless Uttarakhand CM leaves it to rain to put out ravaging forest fires


Helpless Uttarakhand CM leaves it to rain to put out ravaging forest fires