Jawaharlal Nehru


Nehru’s Word: India’s variety should be celebrated, not coerced into some uniformity

Jawaharlal Nehru


Nehru's Word: Minorities in India must feel secure, part of larger society

Jawaharlal Nehru


Nehru's Word: There can be no fence-sitting on the question of a secular state

Jawaharlal Nehru


Nehru's Word: Even a handful of brave people can change the fate of a nation

Nehru's Word: India must aim for social justice with democracy


Nehru's Word: India must aim for social justice with democracy

Jawarhalal Nehru with Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, during a trip to the US in November 1949


Why they demonise Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru in Manipur during a tour of the North-East amid tribal unrest, April 1953


The minorities Nehru didn’t forget

Jawaharlal Nehru

Remembering Nehru

Nehru's Word: The flawed calculations of world powers on Kashmir

Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister, addresses the AMU Convocation at Aligarh, 24 January 1948.

Remembering Nehru

Nehru's Word: Communal outfits damaging India’s image globally

Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister, addresses the AMU Convocation at Aligarh, 24 January 1948.

Remembering Nehru

Nehru's Word: His Analysis of Hindu, Muslim Communal Forces Still Valid

From Nehru to Modi, a story of courage and cowardice


From Nehru to Modi, a story of courage and cowardice

Jawaharlal Nehru (Photo: NH File Photo)


Nehru's Word: Let’s treat the starving, struggling masses as humans, not stats

Jawaharlal Nehru (NH file photo)


'Fearless watchdog of democracy': Remembering Nehru (1889–1964)